First Seeds to Plant in 2019: Peas, Sweet Peas, Spinach

A display of flower and vegetable seeds popped up at the grocery store a few weeks ago.  In freezing cold January, believe it or not.

I chose three seed packs for the first planting this year, all from Ferry Morse seeds:

  • Teton Hybrid Spinach
  • Oregon Sugar Pod Peas
  • Royal Family Mixed Colors Sweet Pea

The Sugar Pod peas need a trellis, but the sweet peas and spinach do not.

These will be planted in the EarthBoxes and City Picker planters around March 1.  Then hopefully they’ll grow well until June.

The spinach should be ready to harvest in 45-50 days, the peas in 60-65 days, and the sweet peas should blossom in 65-90 days.

The south-facing balcony gets so hot and sunny in summer, so in late May or June these EarthBoxes would switch to summer heat-loving plants.